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Jim House

Jim House


since 1973

Location Peoria

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Jim House’s career in solar control products began as a mere hobby.  He and his wife started tinting car windows in their driveway in 1973.  Today, he is president of Midwest Marketing Distributors, Inc. and also owns 3 retail stores around the Peoria, IL area.  These businesses are run by his daughter Alishia Greene.

Jim has been married to wife, Darla, for nearly 45 years and they have 3 adult children and 5 grandchildren.

Jim’s primary role is technical support for the solar shade division regarding installations, sales and motorization.  He is also Madico SafetyShield certified, assisting dealer in sales, technical support and installation supervision for safety/security films.

Jim has been flying hot air balloons for over 30 years and has over 1000 flight hours.  He flies competitive events on the weekends and operates a ride business from his rural home in the evenings.  Other hobbies include a 125 gallon salt water fish and coral tank in his office.  He also has a passion for BBQ and smoking meat using his 6 ft., Hybrid Lang smoker for meats, side dishes and desserts.

A devout Christian, Jim has served on his Assemblies of God church board for over 20 years.  He has also sat on several boards for faith based charities.  Currently, he is involved with Teen Challenge, a Christian based drug and alcohol rehabilitation center in Peoria IL.  Teen Challenge has over 1000 centers worldwide.